
(Next Generation Ministries)

Children's Ministry 🗓

Children are always welcome to worship with their family. For children between Pre-K and 5th grade, they can also choose to join the Children's Church. Please note that, on every 1st Sunday of the month, all kids are invited to Family Worship. Worshiping with their family, they will have a chance to read, pray, sing and dance to children's song, and/or listen to an age-appropriate message! Reach out to Kelly for more info!

Youth Ministry  🗓

Our Youth Group welcomes all students in middle school and high school to its regular meeting on Sundays at 5:00 pm. They worship, eat, and build fellowship together by building a safe place where they can share their life and faith. They also have occasional mission projects or fun outing events. Email our Youth Leader Erin to check out!


Nursery is available for little children of ages between 0-2 during every Sunday worship service. There is also a "Cry Room" next to the Worship Area, where parents and worship with little ones, while seeing the service through window and listening to the songs and words live. For any questions, Holly may have a great answer!

Upcoming Events 


Previous Events 


December 15, 10am during Sunday Worship Service

Old Bridge Kids offers Christmas Pageant during Sunday Worship Service. we will begin Christmas Pageant practicing in Children's church beginning on Sunday November 17th.  If your children are interested in participating in the pageant, please bring them to practices as much as possible between November 17th-December 15th each Sunday at 10am. Let us throw a party for baby Jesus together!!


November 28, 10:00am at Old Bridge Church Lawn & Parking Lot

A way to get out and exercise and play before your thanksgiving feast. 


October 26(Sat), 1:00 - 3:00pm

Trunk or treat, Moon bounce obstacle course, Spin art, Tons of games, Candy, Food, Popcorn And prizes! FREE to all! No registration is required. Come celebrate the season in a safe and fun environment.


October 15(Tues), 5:30 - 7pm

Old Bridge Kids Ministry invites all to a fun and joyful time with friends and neighbors of Old Bridge. Join us on our church lawn. No need to bring anything but yourself. Just come, connect, enjoy, and relax. Invite your friends and neighbors, too!


As the new school year begins, there will be family orientations for the families with kids and/or youth. We invite all parents and families to a time of sharing, explaining, and building relationship for the coming year, as our Next Generation continues the legacy of faith and wisdom. Mark your calendar!

* Kids Orientation: 9/22, after Worship Service

* Youth Orientation: 9/15, 5pm


Exciting news for the families with youth (6-12 graders)! Next Sunday, September 15, 5:00 pm, Old Bridge welcomes the youth and parents in the Woodbridge area, as 6 United Methodist Churches together kick off a series of collaborate youth events! Come out and get more wonderful details, including November Youth Retreat and Confirmation Class. Erin's ready for questions at


August 25, During the Service

We will also have a Backpack Blessing on that Sunday. Don't forget to plan bringing your backpacks/ briefcases to our service to be blessed.


August 18, Following the Service @ 113/114

Next meeting for the Christian Parenting Group is scheduled for Sunday, August 18, following the service in Room 113/114. It is a safe space for every parent of any kind, and fellowship and lunch will be joyfully offered. If you have any questions, please contact to Kelly Hanks. 

Scuba VBS 2024 at OLD BRIDGE

June 24 - 28, 6 - 8PM

Take kids deep into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience God's ever-flowing, never-ending love. At Scuba VBS, kids will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about! Children ages 4 (by June 30, 2024, potty-trained) through rising 5th grade are invited! Learn more


MAY 30, 6-8PM @ Youth Room

Vacation Bible School 2024 is scheduled for June 24-28. And it will come here before we realize! In preparation of this joyful opportunity to learn and grow, Old Bridge Kids invites all to our 1st VBS Decorating Party! On Thursday, May 30, join the team in this priceless effort for our next generation!


MAY 31, 5PM @ Lawn

Old Bridge Kids Ministry invites all to a fun and joyful time with friends and neighbors of Old Bridge. Join us on our church lawn. No need to bring anything but yourself. Just come, enjoy, and relax.


March 31, 10:00AM @ Lawn

Old Bridge Kids offers an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday morning, March 31, starting 10 am. It is a great event to invite friends and neighbors. Spread the words so that the joy may be shared! We are also accepting candies and small goodies for the eggs. If willing, bring your items to the church on Sunday!.